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Welcome to The Olympus

The Olympus is a Learning Platform nestled in the Middle of Minya

Welcome to The Olympus

The Olympus is a Learning Platform nestled in the Middle of Minya

Welcome to The Olympus

The Olympus is a Learning Platform nestled in the Middle of Minya

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About The Olympus

We Are The Most Experienced Academy in Learning And Development

Over 7 Years of Experience in Learning and Development

The Olympus Learning Hub is a premier learning platform located in the heart of Minya, Egypt. We provide an exceptional learning and working environment, shaping the lives of our customers and empowering them to grow and develop as individuals. We aim to create the leaders and game-changers of the future, Through exploring their interests and unlocking their potential.

At the Olympus Learning Hub, we offer an experience defined by resilience, achievement, fearlessness, happiness, constants development and humanity.

American Diploma
The Duke Of Edinburgh's Award
Youth Across Borders

Satisfied Students and parents

What we aim to

Our Mission

We aim to complement basic education and broaden the mental capacity of youth.


Our Vision

We aspire to become an institution that creates the leaders of the future in various aspects of professional life. We aim to produce the game-changers of tomorrow.


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Our Soft Skills

Our soft Skills and leadership Programs

For those who are passionate about personal growth and embracing challenges, we offer a series of camps and workshops designed to push you out of your comfort zone. These programs will help you unlock your leadership potential, experience an adrenaline rush, and gain better control over your emotions, thoughts and desires.

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Why Choose Us

The Olympus is For Every One

Our learning and development programs are designed to suit individuals of all ages. Whether you’re 10, 15, 20, or 50, we at The Olympus Learning Hub regularly host events tailored to your interests.

  • Best Instructors
  • Best Programs
  • Best Quality
  • Best Scores
  • Best Community
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Events & Programs

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Duke Graduation Party


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Professional, punctual, and highly recommended.

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Good Quality

كنا صعب نلاقى تعليم زومبا او يوجا فى المنيا ودورنا كتير جدا ولما عرفنا اننا فى مكان بيوفر الحاجات دى اتفاجئنا وعلطول روحنا وحجزنا وبصراحة فرق جدا فى نفسيتنا وشكل جسمنا فى وقت قصير شكراً لمدربين اوليمبس.

لمياء ايمن

Good Quality

حابين نشكر مدرب الكمانجا لأنه قدر فى وقت قصير يعرفنا اساسيات الكمانجا وكمان استفدنا جدا ..

نادين حسن

Good Quality

ابنى كان مصمم يتعلم بيانو وانا كنت رافضة جه وقالى انا لقيت مكان كويس وجيت معاه المكان دا وحجزتله وبعد وقت قليل اوليمبس عرفت تنمى موهبة ابنى وانا دلوقتى فخورة بيه وممتنة لأوليمبس.

مروة عصام

Good Quality

انا مبسوطه اوي أني حضرت session yoga النهاردة مع كابتن جيسيكا كانت جميله ومريحه للأعصاب و عملت حاجات مكنتش فاكرة اني هقدر اعملها thank you, the Olympus learning hub

تاليا يوسف

Good Quality

انا حضرت الافتتاح بتاع اكاديمية اوليمبس وبصراحة الفكرة جديدة وجميلة جدا جدا جداا

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